Disorder and Lesion Treatment
with Anarex-Bio®Rapid Health
How to administer treatment:
In the fish pond from temperatures of 8-10 degrees Celsius upwards. Don’t remove the koi from the fish pond that they’re used to. This would only cause unnecessary stress. Attempting to catch them would cause extra stress and extreme stress to koi that display signs of illness is not good. It could make it worse. Switch off the UV lamp, the ozone machine and possibly the skimmer filter for at least 48 hours.
Shake the bottle of Anarex-Bio®Rapid Health well, until residue and liquid are
mixed completely.
Within 4-6 days you will already be able to observe results. (Tests carried out
at water temperatures of 19-20 degrees Celsius proved that colder water delays
the effects.) A grey membrane will form over the wound / lesion and the healing
process starts. As soon as this grey membrane falls off after a short
period of time, the wound is healed and the scales of scaled koi will grow
back in their old position in time. Scales only grow back very gradually
because they have a different structure, like nails on humans and animals. The color
of the new scales may vary slightly from the rest.
In your quarantine tank at a water temperature from 8 degrees Celsius and up
Only use if absolutely necessary and for a very important reason!
Please make sure that your quarantine tank is large enough, depending on the size of your
sick koi. Pay attention to the temperature of the water. The difference in temperature
between your pond water and the water in your quarantine tank at the time of transferring
the koi may not be more than 3-4 degrees!
By swimming in the water with the Anarex-Bio®Rapid Health solution, your koi are also cleaned inside, i.e. mouth, gills and bowels. |
After adding Anarex-Bio®Rapid Health continue observing well and await recovery.
Refresh at least 10% of the water once a week. Add Anarex-Bio®Rapid Health according to scale. Let progress proceed. |
After adding Anarex-Bio®Rapid Health your pond water will become slightly clouded for a few hours to 24 hours at most. This will clear up on its own and there is no reason to be alarmed.
DO’s and DON’TS :
Important !
Don’t touch injuries / lesions! Hands off!
Never rub or clean wounds nor their vicinity with anything, e.g. a peroxide solution.
Anarex-Bio®Rapid Health does the rest and ensures the repair of the
skin to it’s prior healthy status within a few weeks, or sometimes
a little longer, depending on how soon treatment is started and water temperature.
Should the wounds have been treated with other remedies prior to this or should
you waited too long before starting the treatment, this will unfortunately
almost always lead to permanent scarring.
EXAMPLE: A mouth, that’s half rotted away will never grow back to its former state again.